Muniq Langsuan. Luxurious Residence by Lumpini Park and Langsuan Village. Pet friendly

Muniq Langsuan Condominium. Pet-Friendly. #SoleAgent #เอเจนท์ติดทรัพย์Penthouse. 3Bed 3Baths + maid’s room + working room246sqm. fl. 26 (highest floor of the residential unit)BTS: Chidlom, PloenchitFloor: 26 unblocked viewRental price: 400,000baht/monthSelling price: 125,000,000 bahtRef.: 84947Listing Detail: are welcome. – – –Contact us for more information or arrange a viewing:Email. contact@rent-bangkok-condo.comCall. 066-0588-655Line ID: @rentbangkokcondo 0660588655Wechat 微信: rentbangkokcondo

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